在不同的文化中,「性」因不同的原因而變得複雜,但這就是生命的意義,所以我們沒有任何理由談性色變。在這期《速成心理學》中,Hank討論了Alfred Kinsey——美國性學研究的第一人——關於性的研究、美國性學家Masters和Johnson所做的前所未有的性實驗、生理性別及性別認同(同性戀、異性戀、無性戀)、與性相關的荷爾蒙對兩性的影響,也探討了我們為什麼要做愛。總之,本視頻教程乾貨滿滿,可以讓你對性、對自己的身體、性取向等有更深入的了解。 視頻連結:https://v.qq.com/x/page/z0180az2oka.html ...圖片來源:Crash Course 《Let's talk about Sex》 以下是花開根據視頻中文字幕整理的文字稿,供大家閱讀(註:內附英文原稿): 人類從物種起源開始就沒有離開過性,人類社會一直存在性,歌曲中唱著性,雕塑中表現著性,但直到最近,在1940年,西方科學對性的一系列研究才開始起步,這其中絕大多數成果要歸功於 Alfred Kinsey。1894年,Kinsey出生於新澤西,他的父母是一對貧窮又嚴厲的基督教徒,Kinsey在大學裡學習詞源學,畢業後獲得了生物學和心理學學位,之後去了哈佛大學。他的博士論文是關於五倍子峰的族系研究,他對這個課題投入了極大的熱情,精心收集了超過500萬個樣本,測量了數十萬個樣本。 儘快研究蜜蜂很有趣,但是Kinsey的興趣還是轉移到了研究人類性學上,而他在印第安納大學所做的研究為以後數年來科學界對性的研究鋪就了道路。他調查了上千個男性和女性的性習慣和性歷史,並從中發現了各種各樣有趣的事情,包括性偏好、手淫、性高潮以及婚前性行為。他發明了用來判斷性取向的「金賽量表」(Kinsey scale),並分別撰寫了有關人類男性和女性性行為的重要文獻:《人類男性性行為》和《人類女性性行為》。 和許多人類行為研究人員一樣,金賽和他的同事們曾經甚至在如今仍頗受爭議,但他確實成功地完成了兩項非常重要的任務:首先,他是早先採用科學方法來研究性的科學家;其次,他指出,人們對性和性行為的普遍認知與人們在生活中實際發生的行為和性體驗往往是非常不同的。從那以後,科學界湧現出了不計其數與性相關的研究考察性的生理因素、心理因素和社會因素。 ... 然而,在關於性的方面,我們一直有很多頑固的誤解,這其中還圍繞著許多道德問題,這個話題當然會有些敏感,但我們今天就是 要澄清一些事實。性是我們整個生命的起源,所以大家沒有必要害羞。 「性」這個簡單的詞讓很多人的生活變得複雜。對性的渴望或缺乏,催生了大量的詩歌,造出了許多生命,傳播了各種疾病,耗費了金錢,讓人們發瘋,讓色情影視行業賺了不少錢。 ... 「性」(Sex)這個詞本身也有很多不同的意思。首先「性」作為一個動詞,是指從事性行為和性交的物理過程,然後我們有了生物學上的定義,是指解剖學中能夠標誌一個生物是雄性,雌性或雌雄同體的部位,雌雄同體是指那些出生時生殖器既不屬於雄性也不屬於雌性的一類,這些與性別是完全不同的,性別(Gender)是指,個體對自己性身份的自我認識,是雄性,雌性還是雌雄共體。無論個體所認為的自己的性身份是否與外生殖器一致,例如,對於變性人來說,他們對自己的性別認識就與生殖器官不匹配。記住,性別認同和性取向是完全不同的。 ... 圖片來源:Crash Course 《Let's talk about Sex》 ... 「性」還具有生理和心理兩個方面。讓我們從生理方面開始談,這就不得不提馬斯特斯(Masters)和詹森(Johnson)兩位性學家。在20世紀50年代末和60年代,美國婦科醫生威廉士·馬斯特斯(Williams Masters)和他的同事以及未來的妻子-性學家維吉尼亞·詹森(Virginia Johnson)做了一項前無古人的研究。他們邀請了近700名男性和女性志願者(其中許多是性工作者)進入他們的實驗室,讓他們演示性興奮,自慰或者與其他人做愛,目的在於記錄人體與性相關的生理反應。所有志願者的身上會佩戴一大堆傳感器和心臟監測儀等,整個實驗就和聽起來的一樣色色的。所有的志願者都必須同意,並且能夠展示性喚醒和性高潮。多年來,馬斯特斯和詹森記錄了一萬多個「性周期」。 他們的主要發現為: 一個完整的性反應周期包括四個不同的階段 興奮期、持續期、高潮期和消退期 馬斯特斯和詹森認為, 這4個階段相繼發生,一個接著一個。 在興奮期,一切都在進行,血液湧向所有必要的地方,生殖器變得充血並分泌潤滑物質;接下來是持續期,脈搏、血壓和呼吸頻率持續增加,生殖器變得充血。男性的陰莖通常會分泌預射精液,女性的引導分泌物會增多,直到高潮期時全身肌肉收縮,呼吸和脈搏頻率達到峰值。當然,生理上的男性高潮通常會釋放精子,這可能會導致受精,這取決於具體情況。女性的性喚起和高潮也有助於受孕,同樣也取決於具體情況,因為高潮期的肌肉收縮和潤滑有助於吸收精子並將其保留在子宮內;最後,在消退期身體逐漸回歸到正常狀態。在這一階段,生物學上的雄性會進入一個不應期,在此期間,他們在幾分鐘到一天或更長時間內無法再次達到性高潮,而生物學的雌性的不應期則相對較短。 性反應的四個階段模型今天仍然被教授,一些人批評它的各階段順序太過嚴格,認為普通人的性生活中並不總是具有這種整齊的階段性,同時還批判性反應周期過於強調高潮期,而每個人的性生活中這個階段並不總是會發生。還有人質疑該模型只關注生理因素,認為在觀察性反應時還應將文化態度、心理因素和性伴侶的親密程度以及其他外在的細節納入考慮範圍內。 ... 在我們探討性反應之前,我們先來看看心理學方面的「性」。荷爾蒙是由內分泌系統釋放出的化學信使,在整個血液循環系統中流動,調節各種生理和行為活動,從生長到消化,從睡眠到性生活。我們的性激素主要有兩個作用:第一,它們促進生物學性別特徵的身體發育;第二,它們有助於激活性行為。雌激素,比如雌二醇有助於雌性性特徵的發育,雌性比雄性分泌的量更多。儘管所有人類都會分泌睪酮,對於雄性而言,睪酮卻是占主導地位的性激素,它會刺激雄性性特徵的生長和發育。現在大多數雌性哺乳動物當他們的雌激素在排卵期達到頂峰時會開始交配,但對人類來說並不是這樣的。儘管研究發現,一般來說,雌性的性慾在排卵期會略高一些,此時女性的生育能力最強,而男性也會受到這種女性這個性慾高峰的影響,當排卵期的女性在他們身邊時,男性的睪酮水平也會相應提高。 ... 但是這些短期的變化很難與一生中更大更主要的荷爾蒙變化相比。比如,青春期往往會讓每個人都變得更饑渴、更困擾,對約會更感興趣。在以後的生活中,由於性激素的分泌自然地會減少,我們的性慾和求偶慾望也會相應的減少。年齡影響我們的性慾,但是最後你可能會把性激素看做是你的性引擎的燃料,儘管引擎要運轉,油箱裡不能沒有油,但油太少或者太多都不利於我們的性行為。我們需要性激素,但我們也需要適當的心理刺激來激發我們的性慾,使我們能夠進行相應的性行為。 最後,讓我們來看看性的一些心理學方面。首先,是重要的社會和文化影響,比如你的家庭,你的宗教以及你的個人價值觀。你所在的社會環境僅僅把性看作是繁殖的手段,還是它也可以是一種樂趣?人們對婚前性行為、同性戀、裸露身體或當眾接吻有什麼看法?然後還有外部刺激的影響,在西方社會,我們一直受到各種各樣與性有關的收費內容的狂轟濫炸,不管是從電影、電視中,還是廣告音樂和維多利亞的秘密(Victoria Secret),而長時間的看這些你覺得特別有吸引力的畫面會導致我們在看到更普通的人時,甚是他們自己的伴侶時,會感到更加沒有吸引力。但我們的性慾同樣還受到內部刺激的維持,也就是我們的想像力、記憶和幻想。根據大量的研究,至少95%的人在某一時刻都有過一定程度性幻想。你需要記住的是,這些因素都不是相互獨立的。我們如何應對外部和內部的刺激會受到社會和文化因素的很大影響,這也是很多關於性的思考和研究變得非常複雜的地方。 ... 人類的道德審判常常會使性和性慾望變得更加糾結,可悲的是,許多人因為喜歡某些東西或被某些人吸引而感到痛苦。在這個方面也有很多的錯誤信息,多年來,很多人認為手淫會使人失明,患精神疾病,這種想法是不合理的。同時,在許多文化中性取向的不同也會讓人們產生相應的羞恥感。性取向可以被定義為對另一個人相對持久的生理興趣或愛戀情緒。異性戀、同性戀和雙性戀都是不同類型的性取向。儘管學術界曾一度污衊過一切非異性戀的性取向,但我們現在知道,同性戀和雙性戀與心理健康毫無關係。心理學家也開始對性取向進行更深入地研究,例如,無性戀或非性行為(對任何人都覺得沒有任何性趣)。 無論在任何情況下, 無論文化本身對於所有這種性取向 是友好還是殘忍的壓制, 各種性取向都會存在, 性取向既無法選擇,也無法被改變。 ...圖片來源:Crash Course 《Let's talk about Sex》 那麼,到底是什麼導致了這些差異呢? 沒有證據表明性取向是由諸如支配型的母親或被動的父親、成人體內性激素水平、童年受虐史、父母是同性戀還是異性戀等因素決定的。換句話說,幾十年的研究讓大多數研究人員相信,一旦你出生,就沒有明確的環境因素影響你的性取向。人們還做了大量的研究來試圖找出性取向可能的生物學結構,比如遺傳學,大腦解剖學,產前狀況或者其他因素。同樣重要的是,我們還遠遠不能從生物學的角度來理解性取向。性取向並不是一種選擇,而是人類之間的一種自然變化,就像是身高一樣。 在談了這麼多關於性的話題之後,也許你想知道我們為什麼要做愛。我的意思是,性本身當然是很愉快的,但是性最大的功能不僅僅是單純的快樂。事實上,性親密在我們的生活中有許多最基本的作用:有時是生育,但有時候可以幫助減輕壓力,維持健康的兩性關係,社會聯繫,表達愛意,實現自我的全面發展。人們說,大腦是最重要的性器官,是有原因的,而親密感往往是性最獨特的回報。 英文原稿: (00:00) People have been having sex and writing songs about it and carving statues of it and changing fashion for it since the dawn of humanity, but it wasn't until fairly recently in the 1940s that serious Western scientific study of sex began. And by most accounts you can thank one guy for that: Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey was born in 1894 in New Jersey, to poor strict Methodist parents. He studied etymology in college, graduated with degrees in biology and psychology before heading to Harvard. His doctoral thesis was on the genealogy of Gall wasps, a subject he tackled with intensity; meticulously collecting over five million samples, measuring hundreds of thousands of specimens. (00:39) And wasps are interesting and everything, but Kinsey's interests drifted toward human sexuality and his research in Indiana University paved the way for decades of study into sex. He surveyed thousands of men and women about their sexual habits and histories, and found all sorts of interesting things related to sexual preferences, masturbation, orgasms, and pre-marital sex. He established the "Kinsey scale" indicating degrees of sexual orientation) and went on to write the seminal texts on sexual behavior in the human male and female respectively. (01:09) Like many researchers of human behavior, Kinsey and his colleagues were-- and in some cases still are-- pretty controversial. But he definitely succeeded in two very important tasks. One: he was an early adopter of a scientific approach to studying sex, and two: he showed that the popular perception of what people do and don't do sexually, versus what people actually do and feel, was often very different. Since then we've seen innumerable sex-related studies examining the physiological and psychological and social elements of sex. (01:43) And, there's a whole lot of lingering misinformation and judging morality swirling around the subject of sex. It can be a tricky topic for sure but we are here to clear some things up. It's the entire purpose of life so there's no reason to blush. (Intro) (02:03) ... so. Sex. That one little word has complicated so many lives. The desire for or lack of sex has spawned poetry and made babies and transmitted diseases and cost money and driven people batty [note the visual pun] and kept late-night cable in business. (02:18) Even the word itself can mean many different things.First we've got the verb kind of sex, the physical process of engaging in sexual acts and intercourse, which, probably I don't need to describe to you.Then we've got the biological definition, having to do with the anatomical parts that go with the designations of male or female or intersex (those who were born with the reproductive parts that don't fall into the predominant definitions of male or female).And these are quite separate from gender, or an individual's sense of identifying as male or female or another gender identity regardless of how that corresponds with their actual reproductive plumbing. For transgender people, for instance, gender identity typically doesn't match biological sex.And gender identity is completely different from sexual orientation, which we'll talk about in a minute. (03:00) So beyond definitions, we have the physiological and psychological aspects of sex. Let's start with the physiological, and with that, Masters and Johnson. In the late 1950's and 60's, American gynecologists Williams Masters, and his collaborator and future wife, sexologist Virginia Johnson, did something no researchers had ever done before. They invited nearly 700 male and female volunteers, many of them sex workers, to come into their lab and get it on (either alone or with their partners). [slightly disturbing sex noises as graphics play] Their aim? To record the body's physiological response to sex. This involved wearing a whole lot of wires and heart monitors and such, and is probably about as sexy as it sounds. All the volunteers had to be willing and able to show arousal and be capable of orgasm. (03:43) And over the years, Masters and Johnson recorded more than ten thousand "sexual cycles". The main thing they documented was that a complete sexual response cycle involved four distinct stages-- excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution-- which Masters and Johnson maintained happened in a linear way, one after the other. (04:03) In the excitement phase, things are gettin' goin', blood is rushing to all the necessary places, genital areas are becoming engorged and secreting lubricant. Next comes the plateau phase. Pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rates keep increasing and genitals are becoming fully engorged. The penis is often secreting pre-ejaculate as vaginal secretions increase until the big event orgasm during which muscles all over the body contract and breathing and pulse rates hit their peak. Of course, a biological male orgasm typically releases sperm that may lead to fertilization, depending on the situation, but female arousal and orgasm also help facilitate conception, again depending on the situation as those muscle contractions and lubrication help draw up and retain sperm in the uterus. Finally, the body comes back down to its normal state of affairs during the resolution phase. It's during this phase that biosex males enter a refractory period during which they're unable to orgasm again for a few minutes to a day or more whereas biological females refractory period is very short in comparison. (5:00) Well the four stage model of sexual response is still taught today, some have criticized both its rigid linear setup, arguing that things don't always work so tidily in the bedroom, and it's insistence in including orgasm which doesn't happen for everyone all the time. Others also question the model's clinical focus on only physiological factors arguing the cultural attitudes, psychological and relationship factors, and other external details should also be considered when looking at sexual response. I'll get back to that in a minute, but before we move on to the psychology of sex, we got to talk about hormones. (5:30) You remember hormones, those chemical messengers brewed up by the endocrine system that travel through the bloodstream and regulate all sorts of physiological and behavioral activities from growth to digestion to sleep to sex. Our sex hormones serve two major purposes. One, they direct the physical development of biological sex characteristics, and two, they help activate sexual behavior. Estrogens like estradiol contribute to female sex characteristics and are secreted in greater amounts by females than males and while all humans make testosterone, it's the predominate sex hormone for males, stimulating the growth and development of male sex characteristics. Now most female mammals become sexually receptive when their estrogens peak during ovulation, but it doesn't really work that way for humans. Our hormones are more loosely related to sexual behavior, although studies have found that in general female's sexual desire spikes slightly around ovulation, when woman are most fertile and males can also be affected by this spike, responding with higher levels of testosterone when ovulating women are around. (6:29) But these short term changes hardly compare to the larger more major hormonal shifts that occur throughout a life time. Puberty, for one, tends to get everyone a lot more hot and bothered and interested in dating and gazing at posters of their favorite celebrity crushes and later in life, as sex hormone production normally decreases, our amorous urges and endeavors tend to decrease as well. Age affects our libido. But in the end you might think of sex hormones as fuel for your sexual engine, and while an engine can't run on a totally empty tank, it also won't run any better or worse on a full tank versus a half tank. We need our sex hormones, but we also need the right psychological stimuli to turn us on and keep us going sexually. (7:12) So, finally, let's look at some of these psychological aspects of sex. First, there are the very important social and cultural influences. Things like your families, your societies, your religions, and your personal values. Does your community view sex merely as the means for reproduction or can it be fun, too? What are the views on premarital sex, and homosexuality, showing some skin or kissing in public? (7:37) Then there are the influences of external stimuli. In western society, we're constantly bombarded with sexually charged content from movies and TV to advertisements, R&B slow jams, and Victoria Secret catalogs. And constantly looking at images of things that you find extremely attractive can lead to folks viewing more average people, even their own partners, as being less attractive. (7:57) But our sexual desire is also fueled by internal stimuli. Our imagination and memories and fantasies. According to plenty of studies, at least 95% of people fantasize about sex at some point. The thing you need to keep in mind is that none of these factors work independently of each other. How we respond to both external and internal stimuli can be really heavily influenced by social and cultural factors, and that is where a lot of the thinking and studying of sex has gotten really complicated. (8:24) Human judgment and morality is often entangled with sex and desire and sadly, a lot of people have been made to feel miserable for liking certain things or being attracted to certain people. There's also just been a lot of misinformation out there. For ages, a lot of folks believed that masturbation could make you go blind, become mentally ill, or kill the neighborhood kittens. It doesn't do that. (8:43) And as I know, you're thinking right now one area of sexuality has been needlessly associated with conflict, fear, and shame. In many cultures is sexual orientation. For our purposes, sexual orientation can be defined as a relatively enduring physical or romantic attraction to another person. Heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual are all types of sexual orientation. And although the field once stigmatized non-heterosexual orientation, we now know that homosexuality and bisexuality are in no way related to mental health. Psychologists are also beginning to look more in depth at other sexual orientations. For instance, Asexuality or nonsexuality, where no sexual attraction of any kind is experienced. In any case, whether a culture itself is friendly to or tyrannical against any of these orientations, all types prevail. Sexual orientation is neither chosen nor changed. (9:29) So, what might cause these differences? Hopefully you already know this but it's worth repeating. There's no evidence that sexual orientation is determined by things like dominating mother or passive father or sex hormone levels in your adult body or your history of childhood abuse or whether your parents were gay or straight. In other words, decades of research have led most researchers to believed that once you're born, there are no clear environmental factors that influence your sexual orientation. And there's been a lot of research into possible biological components of sexual orientation, like genetics, brain anatomy, prenatal conditions, or other things. It's also important to know that we're far from understanding sexual orientation on a purely biological level. If anything, the evidence we've got simply strengthens the idea that sexual orientation isn't choice, but rather a naturally varying occurrence among human beings, like height. (10:17) So. After all this talk about sex, perhaps you're wondering why we do it at all. I mean, it feels good obviously. But the biggest function of sex goes beyond pure pleasure. In fact, sexual intimacy serves many of life's most basic purposes: some times procreation, but also stress reduction, maintaining healthy relationships, social bonding, and the expression of love, and overall fulfillment. People say he brain is the most significant sex organ for a reason. And intimacy is often its own reward. (10:42) Today, you learned about Alfred Kinsey's ground breaking sex surveys, the differences between how we define biological sex and gender identity, and about Masters and Johnson's four-part sexual response cycle. We also looked at the role of sex hormones, in our development and drive, how psychological and social factors play into sex. How we think about sexual orientation and why we have sex in the first place. Thanks for watching, especially to our Subbable subscribers who make crash course possible.
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